SQL DECIMAL vs NUMERIC: What’s the difference? (THERE IS NONE)

Reading Time: 2 minutes This might be the worlds shortest blog post. If you’re looking to understand the SQL DECIMAL vs NUMERIC data types, understand this: The SQL Server DECIMAL and NUMERIC data types are synonyms and can be used interchangeably. I pulled that information directly from the Microsoft documentation: decimal and numeric (Transact-SQL). Continue Reading

Stored procedure with parameters: A guide for beginners

Reading Time: 11 minutes If you need to write a stored procedure within SQL Server, odds are it will be a stored procedure with parameters. It is much more common to see a stored procedure with parameters than one without parameters. It’s important you understand both input and output parameters, which we will discuss in this tutorial. I Continue Reading

Top 6 tools you should know for writing AWESOME Select statements

Reading Time: 13 minutes As a database professional, you will be asked to come up with SELECT statements to pull needed information in a meaningful and accurate way. Sometimes you will need to review other SELECT statements written by other people, too. Maybe those queries have a problem which is causing it to pull Continue Reading