Quintessential Queries EBook!

One of the most essential tasks of any data professional is to use SQL to query the data in a database. We query databases to gather information to do things like analyze trends, summarize costs, see spending patterns, or make important business decisions.

If you are just starting out with Microsoft SQL Server, you are probably noticing that there is an overwhelming amount of information out there related to querying data in a database. When you’re just starting out, this amount of information can seem quite daunting. How is anyone supposed to know what to focus on, or what resources to use to learn? How do we know what SQL querying tools are best to use for a specific task?

Well, your life is about to get better:

SimpleSQLTutorials is offering its first-ever EBook called Quintessential Queries!


This book is a complete guide on beginner to advanced querying tools in Microsoft SQL Server.

In this book, we start with the most basic querying tools you will likely see and use during your career as a data professional. Once we understand the basics, we graduate to the more advanced querying tools you will need to know for the more challenging tasks.

We always use clear, plain speaking when discussing these topics so they are easier to understand. We have also done our very best to ensure the information in the book is 100% accurate and that all important details you need to know are discussed. We’ve done our very best to offer the most clear, in-depth discussions we can on these complicated querying topics.

Here’s the basic table of contents of the book:

  • Chapter 1: The Basics

  • Chapter 2: Set Operators

  • Chapter 3: JOIN Operations

  • Chapter 4: The GROUP BY Clause and Aggregate Functions

  • Chapter 5: NULL: The Great Unknown

  • Chapter 6: CAST and CONVERT

  • Chapter 7: String Manipulation

  • Chapter 8: Decision Structures

  • Chapter 9: Table Expressions

  • Chapter 10: Subqueries

  • Chapter 11: Window Functions

  • Chapter 12: Advanced Querying Tools

  • Chapter 13: Query Output Formats

All this content adds up to over 350 pages of information!

Once you are finished with this book, you will have a SOLID understanding of the best querying tools offered by Microsoft SQL Server. When given a querying task, you will have a better idea of the best querying tools you can use to extract the data you need with a high degree of confidence!

Still not convinced? Click this link to download the first 13 pages of Chapter 12: Advanced Querying Tools FOR FREE

I’m confident you’ll find our writing style to be clear and easy to understand! It is my hope that through the knowledge gained in this book, you will add value to yourself and your company and further your career in data!

This book is a BARGAIN! It costs less than the price of eating out!

SimpleSQLTutorials not only wants to offer clear and thorough training, but it wants to be affordable. This book contains the wealth of knowledge I’ve learned after spending hundreds of dollars on books and training and working with Microsoft SQL Server for over 10 years. The cost of this EBook is but a fraction of the cost I’ve spent to gain the knowledge I have now. I want more people to know what I know, which is why I’m offering this EBook at an extremely affordable price.

Thank you for choosing Simple SQL Tutorials as your source for T-SQL training!

Click here to be directed to GUMROAD where you can download the full Quintessential Queries EBook!

This book is absolutely for you! If you have any questions or concerns, I’d be happy to squash them. Reach me via my contact page and we’ll chat.