Difference between unique constraints and primary key constraints: Answered with examples

Reading Time: 4 minutes A primary key constraint and a unique constraint are both meant to enforce uniqueness in column(s). Since that’s true, it begs the question: What’s the difference? In this very brief tutorial, we’ll discuss the two main differences between primary key constraints and unique constraints. Difference # 1: Primary key constraints Continue Reading

SQL Server Functions VS Stored Procedures: What’s the difference?

Reading Time: 6 minutes Two of the most helpful objects you can create in Microsoft SQL Server are user-defined functions and stored procedures. If you are just starting out with SQL Server, you might wonder “What’s the difference?“. In this very brief tutorial, we’ll discuss the difference between SQL Server functions and stored procedures Continue Reading

SQL Server Filtered Indexes: Explained for Beginners

Reading Time: 5 minutes Filtered indexes in SQL Server can dramatically increase the efficiency of queries against data in your database. They are a fantastic optimization tool you should understand and remember during the design and development of tables in your database! In this brief tutorial, we’ll discuss what a filtered index is and Continue Reading