Default Values in Stored Procedure Parameters: Do you know this rule?

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

It is very easy to set up a default value for an input parameter in a stored procedure.

When we establish a default value for an input parameter, it becomes optional to provide a value for that parameter when calling the procedure. In that event, the value used for the parameter is whatever the default value is.

To work through the example in this tutorial, let’s create a Books table:

Author VARCHAR(20),
Title VARCHAR(50),
InStock BIT,

Here is a simple example of a stored procedure that inserts a row into the Books table. It takes several input parameters, and those values are used in an internal INSERT statement:

CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE InsertNewBook(@author VARCHAR(20), @title VARCHAR(50), @instock BIT, @adddate DATETIME)
INSERT INTO Books(Author, Title, InStock, DateAdded)
VALUES (@author, @title, @instock, @adddate)


Here is an example of using this procedure to add a new book to our table:

default value in stored procedure simple call

(We don’t need to provide a value for the BookID column because that column uses the IDENTITY property)

Let’s say we wanted to make the specification of the InStock value optional when calling our stored procedure. If we’re bothering to add a new book to our inventory at all, odds are it is in stock, so outlining the value of the @instock parameter might simply be extra unnecessary work. We’ll simplify things for our users and just give that parameter a default value of 1.

The way we do it is simple. Next to the data type of the input parameter, we just outline the equals sign (=) followed by whatever we want the default value to be. In our case, that will be the number 1. It looks like this:

CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE InsertNewBook(@author VARCHAR(20), @title VARCHAR(50), @instock BIT = 1, @adddate DATETIME)
INSERT INTO Books(Author, Title, InStock, DateAdded)
VALUES (@author, @title, @instock, @adddate)


Now, if we don’t provide a value for @instock, the value 1 is used:

default value in stored procedure default instock value

So simple!

The default value must be either NULL or a constant

One simple rule you need to keep in mind is that the default value must be either NULL or a constant value. The default value cannot be something that is nondeterministic (something that returns a different value every time it’s called).

For example, we cannot establish a default value on our @adddate input parameter to be a call to the GETDATE() system function:

default parameter in stored procedure error message 2

(Don’t try to read too much into the error messages. SQL Server is simply very confused)

Once again, GETDATE() returns a different value every time it’s called, which means it is nondeterministic, which means it cannot be used as a default value for our input parameter!

If we truly wanted to make the specification of the @adddate parameter optional, we could give it a default value of NULL. Then in the body of the procedure, if the value of the parameter is NULL, we can then assign it the result of GETDATE(), like so:

CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE InsertNewBook(@author VARCHAR(20), @title VARCHAR(50), @instock BIT = 1, @adddate DATETIME = NULL)
IF @adddate IS NULL
SET @adddate = GETDATE()

INSERT INTO Books(Author, Title, InStock, DateAdded)
VALUES (@author, @title, @instock, @adddate)


Here’s what a call to the procedure would look like:

default value in stored procedure null date

(Writing this on March 4th @7:12 A.M.)

So simple!

Next Steps:

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