How to change a table name in SQL Server

Reading Time: 6 minutes Changing a table name in Microsoft SQL Server is a very easy task. Microsoft has a great built-in stored procedure we can use to easily change a table name. The stored procedure is called SP_RENAME. In this very brief tutorial, we’ll discuss how to use the SP_RENAME stored procedure and Continue Reading

How to change a column name in SQL Server: Explained for Beginners

Reading Time: 6 minutes So you need to change a column name in your database. Maybe you messed up the name from the start, or your team decided the name needs to change for business reasons. Either way, it’s got to change. Luckily, the process to change a column name is not too difficult Continue Reading

Stored procedure with parameters: A guide for beginners

Reading Time: 11 minutes If you need to write a stored procedure within SQL Server, odds are it will be a stored procedure with parameters. It is much more common to see a stored procedure with parameters than one without parameters. It’s important you understand both input and output parameters, which we will discuss in this tutorial. I Continue Reading

The ONE skill you should have if you want to be a Database Developer

Reading Time: 9 minutes If you want to get into the fields of database development, database administration or data science, there is one skill you should have that will give you an advantage and make it easier to learn the tools necessary to do your job. This is a skill most database professionals already Continue Reading