Top 6 tools you should know for writing AWESOME Select statements

Reading Time: 13 minutesAs a database professional, you will be asked to come up with SELECT statements to pull needed information in a meaningful and accurate way. Sometimes you will need to review other SELECT statements written by other people, too. Maybe those queries have a problem which is causing it to pull Continue Reading

SQL Server Transactions: An Introduction for Beginners

Reading Time: 12 minutesIf you plan on working with SQL Server for more than 5 minutes, you should expect to encounter something called a transaction very early in your career. Understanding SQL transactions is the first step in writing well-performing SQL solutions that are less likely to cause data corruption. Transactions are definitely Continue Reading

The ONE skill you should have if you want to be a Database Developer

Reading Time: 9 minutesIf you want to get into the fields of database development, database administration or data science, there is one skill you should have that will give you an advantage and make it easier to learn the tools necessary to do your job. This is a skill most database professionals already Continue Reading